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Much of our work in the engagement mission involves curriculum and program development that is then implemented more directly through the work of our partners and colleagues throughout Virginia and beyond.  This work directly aligns with the College of Agriculture and Life Science mission to strengthen communities and their economic viability by creating innovative tools citizens and local governments can use to respond to change. Examples of existing programs related to the university’s engagement mission include:

Engaging Citizens in Educational Program Planning

Eric Kaufman has worked to improve the use and effectiveness of citizen advisory groups, such as Virginia’s Extension Leadership Councils. This work is facilitated primarily through local agents and members of the State Extension Leadership Council. That work is guided through an Extension publication, Extension Leadership Councils: Planning for Success. In addition, Kaufman has contributed to regional efforts toward Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders, including involvement with the National Association of Extension Program & Staff Development Professionals.

Several faculty have contributed to a conceptual model of leadership development for volunteers, which emphasizes the importance of adult learning principles.

Team Ag Ed

The department provides leadership for the various professional organizations that coordinate agricultural education in Virginia. Activities include professional development programming for educators and leadership development for youth. The most prominent aspects of youth development occur through the Virginia FFA Association, which was founded by Virginia Tech agricultural educators in 1925.


Leadership and Social Change Mission Areas


